Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunny September

I counted one day of rain in September, so does that make me forget about July? Not really ... but it sure is nice to work in the comfort of fall. This is the time of year where alot of the pieces can be brought outside, and sanded, and stained and finished. With the cool breezes, unlimited sky and long days it really makes for ideal conditions for wood workers. Luckily, there has been plenty of salvaged wood around lately, and if you have a keen eye, it can be turned into something (relatively) new looking. This picture is completed, and used to be pieces of a table - but, they've been redesigned and refinished into a little side table. The finish is unique, and sometimes you need to see these up close to really appreciate the look of the wood. But, since this was a previously stained piece, when it was sanded down and redone, it retained an 'aged' quality that is striking in person. There will be a couple of these pieces on display during the September and October studio dates, so c'mon by and have a look. For November - April, studio visits will be by appointment only. okwari (bear) hibernates in winter, but all you will have to do is drop a line to to get a special invite to the winter den.

....and so it goes!